
The approval by the Senate of the new statutes, the excellent position of the Universitat Politècnica de València in the rankings or the issues of the implementation of the Organic Law of the University System, are just some of the points that the Rector, Professor Pepe Capilla, has discussed in his report before the Government Council.

New statutes: operational before the summer

The Rector has expressed his satisfaction with the approval of the statutes in the last University Senate. Capilla has thanked all the work carried out, and has reported that the document is already being processed by the Generalitat Valenciana and that it is expected to be operational before the summer recess.

Rankings: the best university in Spain

The downward trend of recent years has not only stopped, but has been largely reversed to position the UPV as “the best university in Spain.” This statement comes from the latest ranking published by the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and the BBVA Foundation. In addition to this ranking, Capilla has announced the improvements achieved in another of the most relevant academic rankings, the QS Ranking. “This ranking represents the evident improvement in the areas of internationalization, academic reputation, employers and sustainability,” Capilla highlighted, “which has strongly pushed the university upward in the rankings.”

Ministerial changes: new Secretary General of Universities

The current Secretary General of Universities, José Manuel Pingarrón, ends his period in the Ministry and returns to his position as Professor of Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid. Rector Capilla has thanked the work carried out by Pingarrón and has reported the appointment of Francisco García as the new Secretary General of Universities. Francisco Pérez has a degree and doctorate in Geography and History from the University of Barcelona and the University of Lleida. In addition, Francisco Pérez has held other positions, including that of Director of the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Universities.

Implementation of the LOSU: agreements, areas and departments

The Ministry has changed the financing percentages that it managed until now in the negotiation of agreements related to the financing of the teaching staff for the implementation of the LOSU. These changes are currently being negotiated within the delegate commission of the General Conference of University Policy convened for June 7, 2024. Regarding the areas of knowledge, the Rector has expressed the interest of polytechnic universities in maintaining a single field called “engineering and architecture.”

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