I invite you to watch the following video, in which he communicates very relevant news for our university, related to our additional remuneration system. This is a historic agreement that we have achieved thanks to the work and excellence of everyone.

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22 Oct 2024

Pepe Capilla: “The Senior University is a model of lifelong learning”

The Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Pepe Capilla, inaugurated the new academic year of the Senior University today, highlighting the importance of continuous learning in an ever-changing world. Speaking before a full auditorium, the Rector emphasized UPV’s commitment to lifelong education and praised the organizing team for their excellent work.

18 Oct 2024

The Rector of the UPV inaugurates the Parliamentary Law course at Les Corts Valencianes

The Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Pepe Capilla, participated today in the inauguration of the Parliamentary Law course at Les Corts Valencianes, an initiative that brings university students closer to the workings of democratic institutions, particularly the legislative power.

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Pepe Capilla: “Ángela Pérez represents two of the UPV’s core values: research excellence and entrepreneurship”

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) celebrated the unveiling of a new mural dedicated to scientist and entrepreneur Ángela Pérez, as part of the Dones de Ciència initiative, a project aimed at highlighting the contributions of women in science and technology. The mural, created by painter Pilar Cárdenas, is part of a series of portraits honoring notable female scientists and their impact on society.

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